Life in the Car

Sharing the Road with a SCHOOL BUS! What drivers need to know!

Published: August 10, 2023

Smell the bouquets of sharpened pencils? Ready or not it’s back to school season! Your life in drive is starting to bustle with the energy of kids walking to their bus stops, and busses moving thousands of students across town and country! Thankfully, modern bus design embraces safety. And Mannes Body Shop wants to make sure you do too! New bus designs are made highly visible with: Flashing red lights, cross view mirrors, stop-sign arms, protective seat high cushions and roll-over protection. All part of a great effort to safely transport children. But, what must a driver know in navigating a vehicle around a school bus? Here are 5 things to consider:

  1. Illegally passing a bus is not only dangerous, but it will costs you. $500 to be exact. As of 2011, school busses in MI are equipped with cameras that police can use to issue tickets to drivers who pass illegally. The police or witness doesn’t have to be present to issue this ticket.
  2. When a bus is flashing yellow lights, prepare to stop. 20ft. This is the appropriate amount of space needed to give a bus and child safe distance.
  3. When you’re driving near schools in a residential area, slow down! Kids are moving in all directions, and caution is key! Morning sun angles can handicap sight, and kids wearing darker jackets and clothing items can be quite hard to see at times.. Drive cautiously in these areas. It will always be worth the extra look of caution.
  4. Take your time to not be rushed in the mornings! If you plan your time and routine accordingly, a school bus or j-walking child won’t be part of your driving frustration or disaster. Enjoy that extra sip of coffee next to you, or listen to your favorite podcasts or music. Hurrying around a school bus is foolish, So, relax. Make a choice to own your routine and time! Avoid accidents and save life.
  5. Always stay in sight of the bus driver, and be aware of bikes sharing your road space too. Don’t hurry off a bus—-Check both ways before driving forward.

kids walking around school bus

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