How does a body shop decide what is the best part to use for fixing my vehicle? New OEM, or Used Aftermarket?
Published: January 9, 2025

When your vehicle has been in an accident and needs parts repaired or replaced, there is one very important consideration: What kind of part will my body shop repair my vehicle with? A new OEM (these are parts manufactured by your vehicle maker.) A Used LKQ part (LKQ stands for “like kind and quality”. LKQ parts are purchased from salvaged yards and most likely have been removed from another vehicle that has been involved in a serious accident and sold as “scrap”. Or an After-Market part. (These parts are manufactured by a source other than your vehicle manufacturer-cheap knock-off).
How does a collision repair center decide what is the best part for your vehicle? They consider these 3 questions:
- *What type of part is needed for the repair?
- *Is the part a safety item?
- *What is the age of the vehicle?
At Mannes Body Shop, we first and foremost follow what your vehicle manufacturer states about approved parts for your vehicle. And your vehicle manufacturer recommends using OEM parts for any repair performed on your vehicle for many reasons, the first being SAFETY.
Your vehicle is a precise, engineered, machine. It has been designed to keep you safe in numerous scenarios that you encounter during any type of drive. Any part manufactured by anyone other than your vehicle manufacturer has not been put through the same testing standards that the vehicle manufacturer is required to do FOR YOUR SAFETY.
So, is there a time when a part other than OEM is okay?
We will get into that answer, but first lets dig into the differences. After-market parts look very similar on the surface to the new OEM parts that costs slightly more money. It has been our 80 year experience at Mannes Body Shop that aftermarket parts do not provide the same level of quality as the new OEM parts. We see quite a list of issues, and these are just a few off the top!
- *thinner metal,
- *misaligned mounting holes,
- *contaminated surface primer,
- *fit problems,
- *longevity problems,
- *long-term paint adhesion problems,
Used or LKQ parts similarly are rarely recommended by your vehicle manufacturer. So, why would a person want to use these parts? Well, technically most of these parts actually are OEM! What?! Yes, these parts most likely were made by your manufacturer but they spent their life part of another person’s car and even accident! The other advantage is these parts often come with additional parts and pieces that are needed to fully repair your vehicle. Like, doors may come with some moldings and hinges. Or liftgaltes may come with taillights and glass. These “extras” help save money on overall repair costs. It’s just that no one can say for certain if this part has been compromised due to the accident it sustained by the donor vehicle, or how the part was handled by the salvage yard once it was disassembled. For this reason, LKQ parts usage should always be restricted to bolt on parts only, and NEVER SAFETY ITEMS.
The trouble is many insurance policies predetermine these cost-saving parts as “better for your repair.” Yikes. Do you think your safety matters? Do you want parts and a repair service that has full lifetime warranty and doesn’t just look pretty from a cosmetic standpoint when pieced back together, but from a functional standpoint as well?
It can feel really complicated. But, Mannes Body Shop is here to help! Our certified estimators are trained to know how to do the safest repairs recommended by your vehicle manufacturer. We also understand your insurance policy and can offer you options that provide you the safest, most reliable repair. Sometimes that may mean an out-of-pocket expense to cover the cost difference for new parts. Our recommendation for all our customers is to review and make sure you understand your insurance policy. Is it written for new OEM parts only? Very often you can upgrade your policy to include new parts for a small difference in premium costs. The small difference today ensures your safest and highest quality repair in the future!
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